League Rules and Information

This is a Thursday night men’s 9-hole two-man team handicap Golf League.

The cost to participate in the “Grip It & Rip It” Golf League is $185.00. If at some point you decide you no longer want to golf in the league your money will not be refunded to you for any reason. Your signature will be required on a waiver releasing “Grip It & Rip It” Golf League of any refunds or penalties.

Greens fees cost $38.00 and $2.00 for Closest to the Pin (C2P) equaling $40.00. Closest to the Pin (C2P) will be paid the following week at sign in. There will be 2 C2P holes weekly.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT PACE OF PLAY IS VERY IMPORTANT! You must stay on pace with the group in front of you.

All returning golfers will have their last established handicap applied to the start of the 2024 season. This means if you finished 2023 with a 10 handicap you will be starting the 2024 season as a 10 Hcp. All substitutes will have an established handicap. All substitutes are waived from the $185.00 entry fee. If a substitute was in the prior year, his last established handicap will be applied to the beginning of the 2024 season.

The start of the regular season is Thursday April 25th, and ends Aug. 8th; Division Championship Night will be Thursday August 15th. We will be teeing off at 5:00pm weekly. Check-In table will close at 4:50pm. A League banquet will be held on Aug. 22nd and Playoffs will be on Aug. 29th & Sept 5th, Tee time will be 4:30 for banquet & Playoffs.  It is absolutely vital that you bring the exact money ($40), to pay Green’s fees. We are trying to eliminate making change at the check in table. You will receive your scorecard at check in.

The team that fills out the “Official Scorecard” is responsible for totaling the points for each match. Please sign the back of score card to show that you have accepted that the card is accurate. If you fail to witness the scorecard, it will be considered official, and the points will be recorded, and I will come to you and explain the importance of signing the card. Please sign the card.


There are 2 Conferences… “North & South” the 2 Conferences are split into 2 Divisions, “East & West”. There are 16 teams in each Conference and each Division is made up of 8 teams.  Each Conference has been configured using combined team handicaps, for example Marc is an 8 Hcp and I am a 10 Hcp … we have a combined Hcp of 18. The 16 lowest combined team handicaps will make up the Northern Conference and the remaining 16 teams will make up the Southern Conference.

All important dates are listed on the schedule sheet.

If the weather is questionable, we will contact all members via text, and league will be cancelled for that week. We will no longer be playing in severe weather. You may also contact the clubhouse for conformation.

Pace of play is key to having a successful season.



All USGA rules and Club rules apply.

If a player fails to show and no sub is available, that player receives zero points for the match. All golfers will play the course weekly.

PLEASE make sure the ball you’re about to hit is your ball. There is a 1-stroke penalty for hitting the wrong ball. Yes, even if you must call it on yourself!

You may pick and place anywhere on the course, this includes Bunkers. If your ball is in a footprint or on a bed of rocks while in a trap, you may fix the lie and place the ball in its original spot. If your ball is in standing water, you get free relief no closer to the hole. If a ball goes into a water hazard, it is a one stroke penalty, and the player must determine where the ball went into the water and then the player can place his ball 2 Club Lengths anywhere in his line of flight. Rule 21-6B states, the line of flight is determined on the angle on which the ball entered the hazard.

If you cannot find your ball, it is deemed a lost ball, place the ball at point of entry and a penalty stroke is added to your score for that hole, (this means, place the ball at the edge of where it was last seen at point of entry). We are no longer taking a 2-stroke penalty for a ball hit out of bounds This does not mean you can keep looking after the allotted time which is 3 minutes (rule 18.2)

If your ball is against a fence, bench, post, tree, or any other object and is deemed an unplayable lie, you get 1 Stroke relief of 2 Club lengths. you must either hit your ball or move your ball 2 club lengths and take the penalty stroke. You can remove the tree from your line of flight by moving side to side, but no closer to the hole.

A ball can be safely removed from a roots or rocks and placed without improving the “Line of Flight” without penalty.

“Gimmie” Rule: There is a “Gimmie Rule" everything must be putt outside the “Putter grip".  (Try using the same putter to measure all Gimmie Putts)

The left side of hole number 3 on the Spruce is no longer considered ground under repair, you must play the ball where it lies. If you are up against the fence or against a tree, you must take a 1 stroke penalty and take a 2-club length relief.

A maximum of 2 strokes for any par 3 will be awarded for higher handicap golfers.

If a golfer shows up late but misses 1 hole only, his score and points will be recorded. If a golfer shows up after that first hole is completed, his score will not be recorded but he is eligible to still play for remaining points.

Gentleman, we had many complaints of certain golfers being less than honest. We are now in a position to have to address the problem this year. If there is a situation this year, it will be addressed, if it happens a second time… your team will be asked to leave the league without re-imbursement of any and all league fees. This is a men’s league, lets act like men.


Points & Scoring

All golfers will be playing the course weekly. If you win the hole, you will receive 2 points, if you tie the hole, you receive 1 point and zero points if you lose the hole. For example, if you are getting a stroke on a hole and bogey the hole, it is considered a tie, and you will receive 1 point. If you are getting a stroke on a hole, and you par the hole, with that stroke applied, you will have won that hole and you will receive 2 points for the win. Same would apply if you are getting 2 strokes on a hole. If you are getting 2 strokes on a hole and bogey the hole because you are getting 2 strokes, you will have won the hole receiving 2 points. If you shoot 2 over, then you will have tied the hole and will have tied the hole receiving 1 point for the tie.

A maximum of 2 strokes will be awarded on all par 3’s for high handicap golfers. You lose that stroke.

Each golfer has the ability to win 18 points for match play, 2 points if you win every hole totaling 18 points. When match is completed, total your score, and subtract your handicap, if you beat the course an additional 4 points will be awarded to your total. If you tie the course after totaling your score and subtracting your handicap, you will be awarded 2 points for the tie. If after totaling your score and subtracting your handicap, you lose to the course, you will not be eligible for any additional points.

A maximum of double Par on every hole. This means if it’s a Par 3, the highest number of strokes is 6. For a Par 4 and 8 and for a Par 5 a 10. You must pick up your ball if you reach the maximum strokes allowed.


Both Par 3’s is used for closest to the pin (C2P). Both Par 3’s is available to all golfers; they are no longer designated.


At the end of regular season play, they’ll be a Championship match for all 8 seeds in both Conference’s. The teams with the most points accumulated in both divisions will play for 1st Seed Purse. The losing team of that match will also receive Prize money. The two teams that placed 2nd seed in both divisions will play for 2nd seed Purse and the loser of that match will receive Prize money and so on for all 8 seeds in all both Conference’s. At the end of the season, all 4 division winners will have 2 rounds of playoffs to determine the League Champions and receive the prestigious “Jimmy Correll Cup”.

The “GRIP IT & RIP IT” 9 Hole Banquet will be played on Aug 22, 2024, Tee off @ 4:30 pm, Check-in by 4:15 pm.


     Welcome to the 2024 “GRIP IT & RIP IT” Men’s Golf League